Epsilon Celebrates History, Core Values and Milestone Work Anniversaries

May 22nd, 2024

Epsilon Celebrates History, Core Values and Milestone Work Anniversaries

As we do every year, Epsilon came together earlier this month at our Maynard HQ to reflect on our history, our core values, and to celebrate several employee milestone work anniversaries.

We began in 1997 as a firm comprised of seven founding Principals supported by Director of Administration, Karen Roth. 27 years later, Founding Principal Cindy Schlessinger and Karen Roth remain. We celebrated both for their dedication and service.

Epsilon's Founding Principals – Samuel G. Mygatt; Margaret B. Briggs; Dale T. Raczynski, PE; Cindy Schlessinger; Michael E. Guski, CCM; Theodore Barten, PE; and Lester B. Smith, Jr.

We also celebrated and presented service awards to staff achieving their five, 10, 15, and 25-year work anniversaries. These include Matt Kelly (Energy Services Practice, five years), Erin Doherty (Historic Preservation Group, five years), Brian Lever (Historic Preservation Group, 10 years), Rob Weiner (GIS Group, 15 years), and Mike Howard, PWS, CWSA (Managing Principal, 25 years).

Congratulations! Now, a little background on each.

Matt Kelly, Rob Weiner, Erin Doherty, & Mike Howard. (Not pictured, Brian Lever.)

Matt Kelly - Five years

Matt is a Lead Scientist in the Energy Services Group with more than 17 years of professional consulting experience. His technical background is in wetlands ecology, wetlands regulations, permitting and compliance monitoring. Matt is an experienced and effective project manager who has successfully managed numerous multi-year permitting efforts for large-scale utility projects. Matt has a calm demeanor and an intense work ethic and dedication to his teammates and his clients.

Erin Doherty - Five years

Erin is a Senior Planner in Epsilon’s historic preservation group with over 10 years of professional experience in cultural resource management and historic preservation planning. Formerly with the Boston Landmarks Commission and a historic tax credit reviewer at the Massachusetts Historical Commission, Erin is a sought-after consultant by owners, developers, lawyers and others pursuing historic tax credits and local historical commission approvals for redevelopment and rehabilitation projects. Her recent work ranges from large scale life science building projects in Boston’s Fort Point and South End landmark districts to countless historic tax credit projects of all types and uses across New England.

Brian Lever - 10 years

Brian is an Associate in the Historic Preservation Group with over 20 years of professional experience in architectural history and preservation planning. He has developed a reputation as a go-to expert for complex and challenging projects requiring historic regulatory approvals at the local, state and federal levels. Brian is a recognized leader in the historic tax credit industry having secured state and federal historic tax credits for dozens of projects across New England. Brian’s clients regularly seek out his expertise and guidance in securing historic tax credits for many types of projects; particularly those that create new affordable housing opportunities in some of the region’s most distressed communities.

Rob Weiner - 15 years

Rob is a Lead GIS Specialist and Manager of Epsilon’s GIS Group with over 19 years of professional experience in Geographic Information Systems, spatial data analysis, and quality assurance and quality control. Rob dedicates himself to providing his Epsilon colleagues with the mapping or data analysis products we require on our clients’ behalf. Rob asks the important questions for each assignment, so that his team understands client requirements and “gets it right” the first time. He has an unwavering passion to continuously advance Epsilon’s GIS and spatial data analysis capabilities.

Mike Howard, PSW, CWS - 25 years

One of our two Managing Principals, Mike leads Epsilon alongside his colleague and friend, Rob O’Neal, CCM, INCE Board Certified. Mike’s journey at Epsilon Associates began in 1999 when the company was just two years old. As a young project scientist in the Ecological Sciences Group, Mike engaged in wetland delineations, field data collection, vernal pool surveys, file reviews, wildlife habitat evaluations, and preparation of permit applications. His dedication to his craft, and continual skill development has propelled him to become a prominent regulatory specialist and strategist in the field. Mike’s ability to establish trusted relationships with clients and teaming partners combined with his adeptness in navigating complex regulatory frameworks are well known, and hallmarks of his success. He remains deeply committed to the growth and success of the company. Mike fosters a positive environment where teamwork and collaboration thrive. As a thoughtful leader, Mike’s optimistic approach to problem-solving and dedication to his work inspires his colleagues, each and every day.

Epsilon employees gather to celebrate our founding and this year's anniversary service award recipients
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