Epsilon Submits 79 Applications in Latest Mass. State Historic Tax Credit Round

Historic Preservation Group celebrates National Preservation Month in May, and anticipates Preservation Awards in June.

May 22nd, 2024

Following its submission of 77 applications during the January 2024 Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit (MHRTC) round, collectively representing over $1 Billion in investments in historic properties, Epsilon’s dedicated Historic Preservation team submitted 79 Applications in the April 2024 MHRTC round.

The following day began “Preservation Month” which throughout May puts a “spotlight on the people in your community doing the important work of saving places and building community through preservation.”

Following Preservation Month, Preservation Massachusetts will hold its annual Preservation Awards program on June 28 at the Massachusetts State House’s Great Hall. The Awards recognize the work of individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to preservation in communities across Massachusetts. Epsilon is a Sponsor of the Preservation Massachusetts Awards program and is pleased to have played a role in the following 4 projects receiving awards this year. We congratulate each!

  • Forest River Bathhouse & Pool, Salem
  • Frost Terrace, Cambridge
  • 34 East Springfield Street, Boston (South End)
  • Lower Basin Barracks, Boston Esplanade

In the spirit of Preservation Month, everyone at Epsilon Associates is thrilled to work side-by-side with our Historic Preservation colleagues on dozens of preservation and cultural resources projects every year. We honor and celebrate your contributions to historic preservation across the Commonwealth and the Northeast.

    About Epsilon’s Historic Preservation Group

    Epsilon’s team of Historic Preservation Specialists provides clients with the insight and guidance needed to secure project approvals and clearances from local, state, and federal agencies, State Historic Preservation offices, the National Park Service, and local historic district commissions.

    We work closely with project proponents and their team members, including attorneys, architects, engineers, and designers to provide strategic regulatory advice to ensure thorough and prompt approvals of real estate and infrastructure projects. We also specialize in assisting clients in securing state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits for the redevelopment of historic properties.

    Related Articles:

    Getting the Credits You Deserve, by Brian Lever (High-Profile Monthly, April 2024).

    Epsilon Submits 77 Historic Tax Credit Applications for Clients Across Massachusetts (January 2024)

    Three Epsilon Client Projects Recognized with 2023 Historic Preservation Awards (November 2023).

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